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Roblox's new Ban API: WTF?

15 August, 2024

My game Broadview County has some fairly strict rules, so moderation is a concern for us. I wrote a ban database & API using Rust and MongoDB a while back to keep track of our moderation history, which the game server (and our Discord bot) reads and writes from.

I was excited to hear that Roblox was working on a first-class ban API. With it was promised alternate account detection! That's super useful for us, because many of our banned users come back on another account to circumvent our system.

I decided today to try it out. I'll ban myself with their new panel, use the new Account Switcher to login to my alternate account, and see if it lets me join. Should be pretty straightforward for them to detect!

The trial run

Alrighty then! I'll probably still use it, but that's pretty disappointing.